Saturday 29 June 2013


Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. John 15:4

This morning, the Lord is leading me to expose a powerful secret to you and I believe that surely He will deliver you from every form of barrenness.

There are six forms of barrenness:
MENTAL BARRENNESS: This is when the mind  of a person is not productive and can no longer coordinate the affairs of life.

MARITAL BARRENNESS: This is when the womb of a woman can not produce a child or the semen of a man can not produce a child.

FOUNDATIONAL BARRENNESS: This is when blessing has dried up in a person foundation or a curse have limited the well being of a person.

ACADEMIC BARRENNESS: This is when there is stagnancy in the academic life a person.

SOCIAL BARRENNESS: this is when a man can relate with his environment and link of communication broken finally.

SPIRITUAL BARRENNESS: This is my area of concern in this message, a state when  a person is not productive spiritually. No longer bringing glory to God neither a disciple of Jesus.
Spiritual Barrenness is very deep, but lets consider the word of our master.
Spiritual barrenness is when there is a broken link between a Christian and his source(Jesus).
The word “abide’ is very powerful in the text of consideration.
*    It means to be totally absorb into the         master     dealing.

*    living and operating within the limit and     provision of the master.

*    To retain the knowledge of the master in     ones life. Romans 1:28

*    Discovering the potential of the master and     taping into it.

*    living by the codes and conducts of the     master at all time.

Spiritual barrenness does mean that one can not be physically productive or material prosperous but there is high ineptitude towards spiritual matter.

A spiritual barren fellow  lacks everything in the master. What are those things in the master in the first place:
- he is the light (John 8:12)
- he is obedient to the father
- He is humble(phil 2:5)
- He is the word of God
- Kingdom conscious
- Peaceful
- Loving
- Joyful
- Gentle
- Affectionate
- Temperance.
A barren (spiritual) person might have a cameo of the above qualities but deep inside its missing.

Spiritual barrenness will erect a conflicting kingdom within the mind of a person.
When one is spiritually barren, the love of the world radiates deep inside of such person and the scripture is clear on this, that (such)person is not possessed of the father.
It is a shame today that most people are celebrating rubbish called Christianity.

A life that does not produce any spiritual fruit is barren (Gal 5:22).
Some of you reading this article have refused to be obedient to your calling as Christians and instead of changing you pick up issues whenever anyone points your attention to it.

The difference between the church of those days to the one we have today is that they are much more interested in satisfying the master while we are much more interested in aligning with the world.
The fire of revival burnt high during their days but in our time see the fire of the flesh(Gal 5:19-22) ruining what Jesus bought with His blood.

You can be delivered today if you allow the
-   father into your heart.
-   Repent and be converted
-   Hold on to the word
 -  stay connected always
-  keep your altar burning for the master.
Let me stop here this week, I hope to share more on this subject some other time. God bless you.

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