Sunday 21 December 2014

What is your interest? comfort or commitment!

"Jesus said to them, My food (nourishment) is to do the will (pleasure) of Him Who sent Me and to accomplish and completely finish
His work" (John 4:34, Amplified).

Jesus and His disciples had been on a journey for a while and now became hungry and weary. When they got to the entrance of Samaria, the disciples offered to go into the city to buy some food while Jesus would take some needed rest. By the time they returned, they found Jesus deeply engaged in the Father’s business of touching lives and saving souls. They sought to disengage Him from His present pursuit, urging Him to take some meal because He was hungry.
They were shocked when Jesus responded with the above quoted text. But by that statement, Jesus was saying that His personal comfort was not as important as His commitment to the divine assignment
placed before Him.
Friends, God is more interested in your commitment than your comfort.
I heard a preacher say this and it made a lot of sense to me. God values greatly your commitment to the Kingdom more than your comfort in the Kingdom. That lesson is sorely missing in today's brand of self-centred Christianity. God is well pleased with you when you are strongly dedicated to and actively working for the advancement of His Kingdom rather than being chiefly concerned about your personal comfort and pleasures. When you put your comfort above your commitment
to God and His purpose, you set yourself up on a collision course with the Lord. The endpoint of that is always disastrous. Eve
will tell you more about that, for she sacrificed her commitment to God's instructions on the altar of dietary pleasures (Genesis 3:6) . The rest of humanity is yet to recover from that monumental gaffe.
It was the preoccupation with matters of comfort and pleasures above God's purpose for their lives that denied the children of
Israel the opportunity of entering the Promised Land. They had placed their want
for leeks and onions above their need for liberty and freedom.
They wanted food more than they wanted God and they were more committed to their baking pots than the saving Lord. In the end, the pleasures they sought did not provide the freedom they needed and they
all perished in the wilderness.
A major lesson we must learn from the children of Israel is that your commitment to God and His plans is a lot more beneficial
even for your own life than your comfort. In other words, you will derive more from
being committed to God than from pursuing your personal pleasures. For instance, your commitment can take you to the greatest
heights and ultimately to heaven. Your comfort won't do such for you. Commitment in any sphere of life will promote you and bring you honour, not just among men, but also with God. God gave a testimony concerning the man Caleb in Numbers 14:24. While others were busy running after manna, Caleb was committed to running after God. In the end, it paid off because all those who chose to stay in their comfort zone, pursuing bread and butter died in the wilderness. But Caleb made it
triumphantly into the Promised Land. With your commitment in place,
only the best will be your portion and you will make it in Jesus Christ's mighty name.

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