Sunday 1 February 2015


"Make your motions and cast your votes, but God has the final say"
(Proverbs 16:33, The Message).

Too many times, we seem to forget that there is a God who rules in the affairs of men. We often do not realise that God has a specific plan for every individual He has created. In the same way, our God has specific plans for each nation He has allowed existence. Such plans cover every detail and every aspect of life, both for the individual and for the community or group. I am a firm believer in the concept of the "will of God", and although I have not always gotten it right, I can confirm to you that I always do my best to seek God’s will in all that I'm involved in, and do the will of God that I know.

Friends, I am persuaded beyond any shadow of doubt that God has a thought on everything. It could not have been otherwise because God is too much a God of purpose not to have a plan for everything He has created and continues to sustain. Beloved, I want to assure you that God definitely has a plan for your organisation, community or nation, including the choice of who should lead or rule the people.

This is election period in my country, and our Scripture verse for today's meditation says "God has the final say" even in matters of civil elections. Yes, the politicians will make their 'motions' and the people will cast their 'votes', but I assure you that at the end of the day, Jehovah will have the final say. But both the political class and the electorates behave as if they are not aware of this truth. Man may propose but it is not in his power to dispose. That is the sovereign responsibility of God and whatever God ordains is what obtains.

I am particularly concerned about the Christian attitude in times like this. If indeed God has the final say in electoral matters and we believe so, then the Christian ought to be guided by the mind of God in exercising his civic right. You should be voting for particular candidates, not just because you like them but because you are
reasonably persuaded that such candidates are the will of God for those particular offices. But that will only happen when we have prayerfully sought out the will of God for our state or nation and are committed to bringing it to pass.

Dear Christian, what has God told you or revealed to you about your state or nation, and especially concerning the coming elections? Every serious Christian believes that God still speaks today and still makes His will known to the sons of men. Therefore, it is not out of place for me to have posted that very important question. If we would really contribute our quota to the deliverance and development of our state or nation, the Christian must act in such a manner as to bring about the establishment of God’s will. To do otherwise is to be working at cross purposes with God. Brethren, you should never be found doing
that. Don't be like the Samuel who first looked at men's countenance, height and stature to determine God’s choice. Rather, be like the Samuel who listened to God and voted according to the mind of God for
his country.

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