Friday 15 May 2015


Jesus has the last word on everything and everyone, from angels to armies. He’s standing right alongside God, and what he says goes" (1Peter 3:22, The Message). 

No one has the final say about your life. That place of finite authority is reserved only for the Lord Jesus. If He has not spoken, know that all that has been said by whosoever is not final. And if He has spoken, you bet that is the final because you can always take His words to the bank. Indeed, "what He says goes". 

Let me also add that whatever you decide to be the final verdict concerning your life shall indeed be the final verdict. If you choose to accept the counsel of the ungodly or the threatening of the devil as final, that is exactly what you are going to get. But if you choose to hold on to the word of God rather than the report of mere mortals, then I have got good news for you. That word is going to prove you and give you a handsome reward for your choice. You may not know when, how or where, but you can be sure that God will ultimately show Himself faithful and true. 

There is the story of a mother who had been praying that God would save her boy and make a preacher out of him. The young man in question was a wicked sinner and he eventually landed in prison for his many atrocities. But the mother continued to call upon the Lord for him, believing that God would answer her prayers. 

One day she received a telegram from the prison, saying that her son was dead. The mother was stunned for a few minutes. Then she went to her room. There she prayed with her open Bible before her. She said to the Lord, “O God, I have believed the promises Thou didst give me in Thy Word. I have believed that I would live to see my son saved and preaching the gospel. Now, a telegram says he is dead. Lord, which is true, this telegram or Thy Word?” 

She rose from her knees and wired the prison: “There must be some mistake. My boy is not dead.” And there was a mistake indeed, a case of mistaken identity. The young man was alive! Not long afterward he was saved. When he was released from prison, he became a mighty soul-winner and preacher. 

Be encouraged friends. God’s word will come through for you. Your attitude should be like that of Apostle Paul who said, "I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me" (Acts 27:25). Yes! Yes!! Yes!!! 

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