Tuesday 7 February 2017

COUNT IT ALL JOY - Dr. Segun Oshinaga

, difficulties, and pressures come to all of us at one time or the other, whether we like it or not. Nobody is exempt. What we do before, during and after each crisis is largely determined by our attitude to life. Our perception rather than any singular factor often determines whether we profit from it or waste the efforts, prayers and lessons that results from each ‘crisis experience.’

Jesus showed us an example of confronting the difficulties of life, the bitter pills that others dish out to us, the betrayals, disappointments, breakdowns and other myriad problems associated with life. Paul, the apostle, perhaps more than any one else demonstrated that it is possible to sing and rejoice while all hell is breaking loose. He showed by his principle and practice that it was possible to maintain joy though bound by chains, give comfort and hope to others while the pieces of our lives are flying over our heads in all directions.
“Let it be all joy to you, my brothers, when you undergo tests of
every sort;”
James 1:2 (BBE)
It was his attitude that gave him the victory. That he could write the book of Philippians with joy as its theme and repeatedly echoing ‘rejoice, again l say rejoice’ while his condition at that material point was far less than joyful, is particularly touching.
In this series, we will explore together the spirit that conquers though troubles abound. We will understand the purpose for the trials and temptations that beset us and in understanding this we will get better equipped to handle them when they come. Note that it is ‘when’ and not ‘if’ they come. Life is a mixture of both roses and thorns. The thorns give is a deeper appreciation of the roses.
More importantly, the right attitude allows us to cultivate the right relationship that enable us to tap into the strength of others.

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