Thursday 25 June 2015


Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things" (Philippians 4:8). 

The mind is the workshop, the production centre of all that you undertake and achieve in life. Whatever you have, you first had it in your mind before you got it in your hand. And whatever you lacked or lost was first lost in your mind before it disappeared from your hand. Indeed the Bible is ever right when it says as a man thinks in his heart (mind), so is he (Proverbs 23:7). Surely, if you are able to take care of what is going on in your mind, your whole life is already well taken care of. 

The size of your mind is the size of your life. Never mind your physical stature, your educational or social background. If your mind is small, you have a small life ahead of you. Putting you in a big office won't change anything. You would rather reduce the bigness of the office to the smallness of your mind. Small minds can't understand big dreams. Consequently, small minds cannot nurture and achieve big dreams. If you want to succeed greatly in life, you must first learn to develop and expand your mind. 

Reading quality literatures written by informed people is a great tool with which to expand the mind. But I must warn you in plain language - don't spend your precious time reading only junks. They may be fun to read and bring you some excitement. But like their counterparts in the culinary industry, junks kill you slowly while giving you unhealthy excitement. They reduce your appetite for quality food that will give you proper nourishment. You will discover that junk literatures don't task your brain, neither do they give you sufficient stimulation to think and meditate. 

Talking about meditation, that is another key tool to expand and develop the mind. In the field of study called philosophy, it is referred to as contemplation. The art of contemplating is an age long method for the development of the reasoning faculty. The ancient Greek philosophers were well known for their contemplative capacity. They developed the art and turned it into a discipline - a field of study. 

Friends, success is just one good idea away from you. Spending time to contemplate will bring you closer and closer to that one idea that will produce the breakthrough you desire. You must learn to meditate on positive information. I will yet show you the most excellent way to productive meditation.

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