Tuesday 19 July 2016


"Learn to do well" (Isaiah 1:17). 

We can learn to do the right thing. We can learn to do good at all times. If it were not so, the all-knowing God would not have required us to learn to do well. By the power of God, we can be delivered from whatever has bound us to doing the wrong things. Friends, you can unlearn the evil things you have become accustomed to doing. We all can learn to take pleasure in well doing. We can learn to to fear the Lord (Deuteronomy 4:10). We can learn to be pleasant and peaceable. We can "learn to maintain good works" (Titus 3:14). The disciples in Antioch learnt under the teaching of Barnabas and Saul until they began to behave in the exact ways Jesus Christ behaved. Onlookers had no choice other than to label them "Christ-likes" or "Christians" (Acts 11:26).

We learn to do well by practicing well doing. Practice, they say, makes perfect. You can practice patience, gentleness, love, kindness, temperance and every other virtue that the Spirit of God works out in the regenerated man. The idea of practice presupposes that you may not get it all right at your first attempt. You may miss it several times and fail again and again. But if you will remain undaunted, you will be able to perfect the art of well doing. This is what the Bible means when it says that there are some people, "who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil" (Hebrews 5:14). The International Standard Version says these are people "whose minds are trained by practice to distinguish good from evil". 

In all these, whether we are unlearning the wrong things or learning the right things, there is an important need for determination, indeed, strong determination. Determination is what will not allow you to rest on your oars. Secondly, as it is with most learning processes, you may need a teacher from whom you learn the right things you should be doing. Sometimes, you may need to go to school for proper learning. Well, of course, it may not necessarily be a formal school. But the point is that proper tutoring is essential for proper learning. We all as humans are always subject to the influences around us and it is important that you place yourself under the right spiritual influence. 

Finally, learning to do good is well-nigh impossible without the Good Book. David made this clear to us in many ways, especially in Psalms 119. That chapter of Psalms is the longest in the Bible, but I want to encourage you to please find time to read it. As you do, please pay attention to the incredible stimulus that the word of God provides for well doing in all aspects of life. That book called the Holy Bible is definitely not an ordinary book. The Scripture is the most important tool needed for a meaningful life that is filled with acts of goodness and righteousness beyond the natural abilities of carnal man. If you will have the Scriptures as your life companion and you will conscientiously apply yourself to its teachings, I assure you that a wonderful life lies ahead of you. 

The almighty God Himself told one of His most distinguished saints that the secret to doing well and becoming successful in life is hidden in the Scriptures. God further revealed to him (and to us) that meditating in the word of God day and night as well as observing to act according to the insight we gain in the Scriptures will unlock those secrets (Joshua 1:8). "This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation" (1 Timothy 4:9). 

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