Tuesday 3 January 2017


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"He that is greedy of gain troubles his own house..." (Proverbs 15:27). 

Greed is a selfish or excessive desire for more than is needed or deserved, especially of money, wealth, food, or other possessions at the expense of another person. When greed is in operation, there is little or no room to make provision for or even give consideration to the needs of others. The greedy man usually thinks of himself alone or thinks of himself first with no one else occupying the second place. But if our world must make progress, we have got to learn to care more about the other person beyond our personal gains. That is the winning and enduring formula. That is the formula of God. 

When you take a broad look at the Scriptures, you will find that the selfless ones are the winning ones. But those who are greedy of gains often end up as losers. When there was contention between the herdsmen of Abraham and those of Lot, and the land was to be divided between them, Abraham demonstrated great selflessness in giving Lot the right to choose first. The right to choose first belonged to Abraham being the elder and benefactor of Lot, for all that Lot had came through the grace upon Abraham. But in the end, Lot the covetous lost everything and Abraham the selfless prospered more and more. 

Joseph is another example of the type of selflessness we are talking about. Joseph didn't negotiate some personal rewards for the services destiny called upon him to render. Unlike some greedy folks, he didn't ask for a pay to interpret the Butler's dream. He didn't ask for a favour to interpret Pharaoh's dream either. Yet he needed all that and more. However, his selfless attendance to the welfare of others eventually brought him rewards that surpassed his expectations and deepest needs. If Joseph's vision did not go beyond his personal liberty and survival, Egypt would not have been saved, his own family would have perished and he would not have had a notable posterity. 

Moses was another thoroughly selfless individual the Bible presents to us. Moses remains great in the annals of biblical history because his vision for Israel's salvation was greater than his vision for personal greatness. You will remember that at one point, God tested him, saying that He would destroy the people of Israel and make him into a great nation. But Moses gently declined God's offer and made intercession for Israel. Some greedy fellows would have jumped at the offer, thinking themselves beneficiaries of the favour of God. When your blessing comes as a result of the misfortune of another and you rejoice, something is wrong somewhere. 

What comes to you is never as important as what comes from you. You are defined more readily by what you gave rather than what you received. The story of the rich man who was neighbour to Lazarus teaches that your future, your posterity and your eternity will not be shaped by the abundance of your possession. Rather, you will be remembered more for the degree of deprivation you are willing to endure for the satisfaction of others. 

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