Sunday 23 July 2017


David therefore departed thence, and escaped to the cave Adullam: and when his brethren and all his father's house heard it, they went down thither to him. 
And every one that was in distress, and every one that was in debt, and every one that was discontented, gathered themselves unto him; and he became a captain over them: and there were with him about four hundred men.
1 Sam 22:1-2

Three tragic words literally jump out of our text today, distress, debt, and discontented. Everyone in David’s ragtag band of soldiers suffered from these three overwhelming challenges.

A comparison of the 3D collection of riffraff described in 1 Samuel 22 to the awe inspiring army found in 1 Samuel 30 must surely be one of the most amazing transformations of any group in history.

Over and over as David faced challenges against overwhelming odds, he found a way to keep himself from joining in with the 3-D choruses. At the same time, he was able to point his unlikely band of soldiers toward a better future, 1 Sam 30:6,8.

If God’s will for David was to recover everything that he lost, He is saying the same thing to you today.

There are many marvelous passages in God’s word that establish the fact  that God has promised restoration and abundance.

This means you regain all that has been stolen from you through the eternal work of the One with the name above every name, the Lord Jesus, Joel 2:23-26.

I will like you to know that the bible is a book of recovery, ADAM lost all; and CHRIST came to recover what was LOST.

Your own life is also a story of recovery, once you were lost and now you are found. Once you were blind and now you can see.

The seconds, you were born again, you came under the LAW OF RESURRECTION and you were delivered from the LAW OF DESTRUCTION.

The Lord has already performed the promises in His word for you. So why should recovery be a foreign thing to you? God’s love is so great for you that He has been leading you toward total recovery even while you did not know how you needed to be rescued from sin and destruction.

Since the day you became a Christian, the power of God has been working in you to reverse what the devil has stolen, 1 Cor 15:22.

Christ wants to reverse the process. Through Him, we move from death to life, Rom 8:2.

It is of uttermost importance that you know, God’s children live under a set of rules different from the world’s. 

The world systems says that everything born must die, God says everything that dies will live.

The world says everything starts out new and it gets old, God says the old shall become new.

The world says everything strong becomes weak, God says everything weak can become strong.

The world goes from liberty to bondage, but God says that we go from bondage to liberty. When you come under the influence of the Holy Ghost, you come under the influence of the law of new life.

The world says full becomes empty, but God says empty becomes full. When you come to God you are empty but He fills you up. 

If you go to the devil full, he will pour what already  have out of you, and he will empty you out.

God didn’t intend for the strong to become weak, for the light to become dark, and for the healthy to become sick. God ordained that the negative become positive, not the other way around. 

Adam brought the negative through sin, and Christ brought the positive through the work of the cross.

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