Monday 23 September 2013


part one:

By now you might have known a bit about me. The struggle to discover where I might have erred continue throughout my mountain experience. I know God does not answer the prayer of a sinner except he genuinely repents, so i tarried and tarried.

A reflection on my immediate past reveals  a sincere person who desires to be a man of the people whereas the scripture says otherwise. To everyone reading now there is nothing wrong in being popular but not at the detriment of God's commandment, the scripture is clear on this, every friendship with the world is an enmity to God. I wanted a balance  perspective of all things at least to satisfy my contemporaries.
Somewhere inside the ocean of my mind are colony of imaginary sexual partners closely followed by mountains of selfish ambition.

Could all of these make God angry? to remain silence for seven heart shredding days before Him, definitely yes because of an un-remorseful heart.
Merely thinking of ones wrong doing without repentance and conversion will never bring a refreshing time from God (Acts 3:19).

Like Habakkuk waiting, i finally discovered obstinacy rooted in me like an Iroko tree. Thank God, there is more to tell Him.

The cloud wept bitterly that night that the mountain was deserted, everyone went seeking shelter downstairs, close to eight hours the flood still gushing like a doe escaping from an hungry lioness. Though, it never deterred me from praying profusely.

Finally, in 9days a relationship have been re-established. Lighten-like, the network signal came up, peaceful, blissful, pleasant so much that the mighty gentle voice from the throne of grace energized these weakened limbs, a coal alacrityly purified my tongue.  Engulfed with Heavenly blaze; with vigorous, earth shaken utterance far from the moody S.U. brood face that had characterized the former eight days.

On opening my eyes, my first set of congregation have gathered around me, though, i didn't know the prophet spirit have been speaking through me.
Surprised as the people , Pastor, pray for me! Lay your hand on me!, I can't believe you know everything about me! Definitely you are God sent!
This is not real, maybe a vision better still imagination, my God it is real.

A son have been reconciled to the Father and have been re-graced.
What happened next will surprise, lets meet tomorrow.


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